How your (cleaning) business can make offers so good they cannot be ignored: The offer framework Alex Hormozi used to turn £916.40 into £99,509,272.56 of revenue in 44 months


Alex Hormozi turned £916.40 into £99,509,272.56 with a unique customer acquisition framework.

It’s a framework that allowed him to spend £2,746,186.62 for a total return of 36:1 over the last 4 years. That's £36 of revenue for every £1 spent.

Think about the impact this framework can have on your business.

I wish I’d learned it when I was running my cleaning business. It would have made a massive difference to my efforts to scale.

One of the most common problems I faced when I was growing my cleaning business was ad conversion.

If our ads were not converting well, we had trouble closing sales.

The key to Alex’s framework is making offers so good clients can’t ignore you. It's learning how to make $100m offers.

Instead of changing your cleaning services, reframe your offers.

I'm going to show how can apply Alex's $100m framework to your cleaning business. When you do, it will help you get more clients, grow your business and increase profits.

Let’s jump in.

How (your cleaning business) can make offers so good they cannot be ignored: The offer framework Alex Hormozi used to turn £916.40 into £99,509,272.56 of revenue in 44 months

  • What is an offer?
  • Why creating an offer is important
  • Office cleaning example
  • What makes an offer so good it can't be ignored

What is an offer?

“To catch a fish, you need bait.”
- Alex Hormozi

Having offers so good clients can’t ignore you is the number one driver of success in any marketing campaign.

Before generating any leads or sales, your cleaning business needs to start a conversation with prospective clients.

Making an offer allows you to do this. It’s the starting point of any conversation with potential clients that initiates a transaction.

An offer sets out the service (and value) that you are providing in exchange for payment from clients.

Why creating an offer is important

Curently, your cleaning business offers a commoditized service.

When prospective clients look for a new service provider, they’ll check the market for different offers and compare them based on price.

If your cleaning business charges £20 per hour for office cleaning, it’s likely that another cleaning business is offering the same service for £15 per hour.

With the right offer, you can de-commoditize your cleaning service and create a Category of 1.

By doing this, you’re asking prospective clients to make a value-based decision instead of a price-based decision.

If you make your offer so unique it won’t be constrained by price. You’re able to sell your offer one on one with prospective clients. Your cleaning business won't compete with anyone else, which protects your margins and gives you a host of competitive advantages.

That’s why offers are so important.

The goal of your offer is to de-commoditize what you sell. This leads to more leads, more sales, higher prices and profits.

In your cleaning business, you don’t need to change your service, you need to change how you position your service.

Office Cleaning Example

In my experience, the classic contract structure for a commercial cleaning business is a monthly retainer.

The monthly retainer includes X numbers of hours cleaning per day x An hourly rate (anywhere from £10 to £25+ per hour) x 30 or 31 days = the cost of the monthly retainer.

This is a commoditized model. Clients can compare the price of your service with others in a competitive market. As a consequence, it’s difficult to make money. I know, because I’ve been there.

When a client changes their office cleaning service, 7 times out of 10 times it’s down to the level of cleaning. Quite often, the new cleaning business comes in and continues the schedule of cleaning from the previous business.

You want to avoid this scenario. Starting from a clean slate provides you with a platform to offer an improved service.

This presents an opportunity for you to create an offer that's packed full of value.  

Every new contract should start with a mandatory office deep clean. Include carpet cleaning, floor buffing, window cleaning, high-level cleaning, IT cleaning etc., in return for the client paying an initial set-up fee.

Then charge your daily office cleaning at weekly rate based on a set number of hours per week.

Now you’ve de-commoditized your offer because clients have got nothing to compare it to. You’re operating in a Category of 1.

This gives you the opportunity to:

  1. Increase response rates to your advertising and marketing;
  2. Close more sales;
  3. Increase cash upfront collected for every new client; and
  4. Get paid to get customers.

You make more money on the front end sale (the deep clean) than the cost of acquiring the client and carrying out the clean.

That means you no longer need a marketing budget. Instead, use that money to invest in operations that improve your service and infrastructure to scale your cleaning business.

What makes an offer so good it can't be ignored?

Picking the Right Market/Niche

  1. Choosing your Pricing and Maximising Value
  2. Understanding the Value Equation
  3. Creating your Offer
  4. Adding Bonuses
  5. Providing Guarantees
  6. The M.A.G.I.C. Naming Formula

I want to help you apply the framework to your cleaning business so you can create your own $100m offers.

Don't limit your cleaning business by providing a commodity service that restricts growth to an industry average of 10% per year.

Transform your offers, improve your service and grow by 300% by implementing this framework in your business.

In this series of posts, I'm going to break down each of the 7 elements of Alex's $100m offer framework and how you can apply them to your cleaning business.

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