“Discipline equals Freedom”


Hey friends

I’m re-reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss (see Brain Food - Books below) as part of my ongoing research into the daily routines of high performers.

There’s a section in the chapter on Jocko Willink, ex-Navy SEAL commander, entrepreneur, leadership consultant, and all-round badass, which is really insightful that I want to share.

When interviewing Willink on his podcast, Ferriss asked “What would you put on a billboard?”, to which Willink replied:

“My mantra is a very simple one, and that’s ‘Discipline equals freedom.

If you want freedom in your life - be that financial freedom, more free time or even freedom from sickness and poor health - you can only achieve these things through discipline.”

Ferriss goes on to explain what this means:

‘..you can use positive constraints to increase perceived free will and results. Freeform days might seem idyllic, but they are paralyzing due to continual paradox of choice (e.g. “What should I do now?”) and decision fatigue (e.g. “What should I have for breakfast?”).

In contrast, something as simple as pre-scheduled workouts acts as scaffolding around which you can more effectively plan and execute your day. This gives you a greater sense of agency and feeling of freedom.’

To achieve anything in life, you need to develop two things:

  1. Structure - through rituals, routines, and models; and
  2. Discipline - a skill you master by putting in the work.

Enjoy your weekly dose of marginal gains!

🚀 Performance Hacks

5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Morning Routine TOMORROW! (7mins)

Build your scaffolding by starting your morning routine that helps you crush your day tomorrow. If there is a consistent theme amongst successful entrepreneurs and high achievers is that they all have some form of morning routine they swear by.

Big results with less action - the 80/20 Principle in practice (2mins)

Getting into shape and staying fit is important for your long-term health and longevity. Most people default to going to the gym journey. Traveling to & from the gym and waiting to use gym equipment are two of the main reasons people stop going. There is a simpler way to stay fit, which saves time and is more effective.

🧠 Brain Food

📚 Book: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss. I’m revisiting this book for research and forgot how much gold is dripping through the pages. The book is split into 3 sections - Healthy, Wealthy and Wise - and distills the best pieces of advice from 100+ guest that have featured on the Tim Ferriss Show podcast. It’s a big book packed full of actionable takeaways and well worth the investment.

📖 Blinkist: Spark by John J. Ratey & Eric Hagerman. This Blink helps you learn ways in which exercises improves your health, ability to learn, think clearly and cope with stress. In less than 12 minutes you’ll understand the innumerable benefits of physical activity and the fundamental connection between body and mind.

🎙️ Podcast: Navy SEAL Rich Diviney on The Attributes that Drive Optimal Performance. This episode of the Rich Roll podcast covers a lot of ground, including the difference between peak performance vs optimal performance, grit + building resilience and using curiosity to think outside the box. It also introduced me to the concept of Dynamic Leadership which was really interesting. Well worth an investment of your time.

❓❓Two Questions

Question for you: If you have a 10-year plan of how to get somewhere, you should ask: Why can’t you do this in 6 months?

Question for me? Send me an email and I’ll be happy to help. If you want to have a chat to go deeper, schedule a Discovery Call.

✍🏾 Quote of the Week

“Compete only with yourself. No one else. The ONLY challenge you should be looking to beat is your own limit. Always keep growing and improving yourself. Never stop.”

From Success Habits of High Achievers by Vishal Pandey. Resurfaced using Readwise.

📱 Tools + Tech

💻 App: f.lux makes the colour of your computer display (Mac only I’m afraid!) adapt to the time of day - warm at night and sunlight during the day to manage the effect to blue light on your eyes. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. All you have to do is set the app once and forget. The best bit is that it’s FREE.

🐦 Tweet Thread: ROUTINE vs RITUAL. Don’t get stuck following work routines that you dislike. Design your days to make your most important work joyful.

🤣 Haha: This message will self-destruct. Well, once your intended recipient receives it.

💡 Recommendations

📚 I use Audible to read over 60 books a year.

📥 I use Shift to manage my emails, apps and extensions on my laptop.