Sometimes, failure results from not setting goals the right way.


I have failed 10x more than I have succeeded.

When I first started failing, it wasn't due to a lack of hard work. I looked at failing in the context of not achieving a particular target.

I focused too much on the outcome and paid little attention to the process.

After my last business failed, I spent a lot of time reflecting on what went wrong and what lessons I could learn from another failure.

"Failure doesn’t mean that you haven’t worked hard; it simply means that you need to take another approach to achieve what you want."
- Ruturaj Kohok

There are reasons why it's necessary to fail:

  1. You gain valuable experience + knowledge
  2. You build resilience
  3. You grow as a person

These are the soft skills that you learn from failure.

What I've learned is that you can develop a very important hard skill.

Goal Setting

Since starting my first business 10 years ago, I've always set goals for myself.

My goal-setting process has evolved and improved over time through learning and experience.

With previous failures, I spent zero time revisiting my goals to see whether they were clear, properly thought through, and realistically attainable.

Therefore, I never took any learning from the goals that I'd set, the process that I went through to try and achieve those goals, and the success & failures I experienced along the way.

"To recover from failure, revisit your goals and redefine them."

What I have learned this time around is to spend time analyzing my goals and adjusting them where necessary.

Once my new goals have been set, they will also be analyzed on a weekly and monthly basis.

The biggest change will be reframing my goals to be process-driven rather than outcome-driven.